About Us

Driven by compassion, we are a non-profit organization passionately dedicated to disadvantaged women and children. 

Our Inspirational Journey

Empowering Lives, Enriching Communities

Our Areas of Primary Concern

Enhancing educational opportunities fo the unprivileged

Dedicated to fostering economic empowerment for women and youth

Addressing the diverse healthcare needs of the underprivileged

Unwavering commitment to alleviating immediate needs.

In 2013, our compassionate founder, Folasade Kayode, embarked on a mission to uplift her community. Beginning with sponsoring students’ education, she extended her reach to vulnerable widows and single mothers, ensuring their basic needs were met. For years, the foundation worked silently, driven by Folasade’s dedication.

Through the years, the Sasek Zarephath Foundation has pioneered numerous initiatives, catalyzing transformative change within our community. With dedicated volunteers passionately driving our vision, we’ve achieved remarkable milestones. The collective efforts of these volunteers have significantly enhanced our impact.

The Sasek Zarephath Foundation has been a beacon of education, generously awarding full or partial scholarships to a total of 153 children spanning primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions over the past decade. This enduring commitment reflects the foundation’s dedication to nurturing the academic journeys of young minds and fostering a brighter future for the next generation.

From December 2013 to December 2020, the founder and her husband consistently provided essential food support to women facing challenges, particularly widows. Starting with an initial group of 50 widows, the program expanded annually, reaching more than 150 widows and disadvantaged women by December 2020. These women received crucial food assistance twice each year. In response to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the founder and her husband distributed food items to 152 widows and financially vulnerable women, aiming to alleviate the pandemic’s impact. This commitment to support continued, ensuring these women received essential food items by December of the same year.

In 2017, the Sasek Zarephath Foundation established the Business Empowerment Fund, a vital initiative offering essential training and financial support to women entrepreneurs, whether they were initiating start-ups or expanding existing businesses. Over the course of this period, a total of 67 women benefited from this empowering program. Notably, the initiative was initially funded solely by the founder and her family until January 2022.

In a strategic move to broaden its impact and assist more disadvantaged women and children, the foundation acknowledged the influential role of awareness. This led to the adoption of social media in October 2021, marked by the opening of a Facebook page. Folasade and her team aimed to bring attention to their initiatives and cultivate valuable partnerships. While the foundation did not receive donations from the general public, the primary source of support stemmed from the founder and her husband, supplemented by contributions from family and friends. Despite this funding approach, the foundation achieved a notable feat by expanding the beneficiaries of its food outreach to a total of 248 women by December 2022.


The Business Empowerment Summit entered a new phase in January 2022 when a friend of the founder and her husband, having witnessed the foundation’s impact on social media, generously donated a total of $5000 dedicated solely to empower women in business. This moment brought immense joy to the foundation, and the funding empowered a total of 15 women. Additionally, Ezra Foundation joined forces with our organization in January 2022, contributing N50,000 (Fifty thousand naira) to empower another woman.

Throughout the years, the foundation has consistently organized business seminars as a crucial precursor to empowering these women. These seminars aim to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills essential for success in their entrepreneurial ventures. Furthermore, the foundation deploys a dedicated team of volunteers to monitor these businesses for a minimum of 6 months post-empowerment, ensuring sustained support and success for the beneficiaries.

Recognizing the essential need for health awareness, the foundation organized its inaugural health seminar in October 2021. The program encompassed informative health talks, complimentary diabetes tests, blood pressure checks, and counseling sessions. To ensure comprehensive care, a team of volunteer medical practitioners diligently followed up on cases that required attention. They facilitated the women’s access to government-established health centers or hospitals for proper medical attention. This proactive approach resulted in a significant improvement in the health status of over 50% of the attendees. In total, 138 women participated in this impactful health program.

In a heartwarming event in December 2021, the foundation conducted its first clothes and material outreach, garnering immense success. A variety of items, including clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories, were distributed to underprivileged women, their children, and, notably, some husbands. The generous contributions for this outreach came from dedicated volunteers, as well as their families and friends. This collective effort reached far and wide, positively impacting the lives of over 250 families who benefited from this thoughtful program.

In a meaningful expansion of our outreach endeavors, the foundation extended its support to orphanages in 2021, adding a touching chapter to our journey. Throughout 2021 and 2022, our executives and enthusiastic volunteers embarked on visits to a total of six orphanages. These heartwarming visits were filled with not just material provisions but also genuine care and camaraderie. Our team shared moments of joy and support with the children, bringing along essential foodstuff and provisions to brighten their days. This initiative exemplifies our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those in need, ensuring no one feels alone in their journey.

In a burst of vibrant enthusiasm, the foundation hosted its inaugural Children Empowerment Extravaganza in April 2022, creating a unique and unforgettable experience for young hearts. This dynamic event transcended the ordinary, offering not just teachings but an immersive journey featuring engaging seminars, hands-on workshops, empowering counseling sessions, and a delightful mix of games and fun-filled activities. A total of 112 children graced this lively affair, each leaving with a pocketful of knowledge, a heart full of joy, and a spirit ready to soar. This event wasn’t just a program; it was a carnival of inspiration, sparking curiosity, and igniting the potential within each child.

In January 2021, the foundation embarked on a transformative journey with the establishment of a Free Adult Education Center, welcoming 27 women, some of whom were at the starting point of their literacy journey. This educational endeavor was generously funded by the founder and her husband, reflecting a deep commitment to empowering women through education. While the initial enrollment was promising, the reality of life’s challenges took a toll on attendance. By September 2022, the class size had dropped to less than 10. It wasn’t a decline born out of failure; rather, it reflected the complex realities these women faced. Many struggled to concentrate on their studies as they juggled the pressing need to make ends meet, while others found it challenging due to a lack of self-motivation required for such an educational pursuit. In response to these challenges, the foundation took a proactive approach. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the obstacles these women encountered, the foundation sought alternatives. It was discovered that a government-established adult education school in a nearby community could better cater to the diverse needs of the learners.

In a strategic move to fortify the foundation’s commitment to education, the founder took an impactful step in September 2021. Recognizing the importance of collaborative support, she personally engaged with families and friends, extending an invitation to join forces on the scholarship program. The response was heartening, with six individuals stepping forward as partners in this noble endeavor. Simultaneously, the foundation extended its reach to private schools, establishing partnerships to enhance the scholarship program. Some schools demonstrated extraordinary generosity by providing full scholarships to deserving candidates, while others, in a commendable display of support, offered partial scholarships. This strategic engagement with schools not only diversified the scholarship opportunities but also strengthened the foundation’s ties within the community, emphasizing the collective responsibility in fostering transformative education for deserving individuals.

In April 2022, the children of late Chief Victor Olarenwaju Aro and the late Chief Mrs. Grace Bosede Aro partnered with the foundation. In a significant commitment to enhance the Academic Advancement Program, they pledged an annual donation of 500 thousand naira. This joint dedication not only underscores their support for educational advancement but also serves as a poignant tribute to the legacies of late Chief Victor Olarenwaju Aro and Chief Mrs. Grace Bosede Aro.

In a significant stride towards formalization, the foundation received its official registration from the Corporate Affairs Commission in 2022. This milestone marks a new chapter in our journey, symbolizing our commitment to transparency, accountability, and structured growth.


Today, the foundation operates under the guidance of a distinguished Board of Trustees, comprising experienced individuals from diverse fields. Their expertise and wisdom propel us forward, ensuring our initiatives align with the highest standards of excellence and ethics. In addition to our ongoing efforts, our foundation is privileged to have esteemed Leadership Mentors and Specialists from various fields. Their invaluable guidance enriches our mission, bringing expertise and mentorship to the heart of our community initiatives.


As we reflect on our past and embrace our present, we remain steadfast in our mission. We stand at the intersection of compassion and empowerment, striving to bring hope, education, and self-sufficiency to countless lives. Together, we continue to script a story of positive change, one empowered individual and one thriving community at a time. Join us in our mission and be a part of this inspiring journey. Together, we shape a future where every life is empowered, every community thrives, and every dream finds wings to soar.

Be the Difference

Aid Vulnerable Women on their Journey to Empowerment